Aaron Livengood

Tell the world where you got your chicken!

When your name is Livengood and you live on Morning Light Lane, chances are, you should be farming.
Aaron Livengood has been doing just that his whole life. His grandfather started the family farm, and Morning Star Farm, owned and operated by Aaron and his wife Beth, came along in 1998. Beth is no stranger to farming, having grown up on a dairy farm herself, so the whole family — including kids Aubrey and Colton — happily tend the farm together. Not only do the Livengoods raise chickens for Farmer Focus, but they also manage a herd of 65 grass-finished cattle, care for four horses and a pony that they ride, farm hay for the horses, and grow 75 acres of corn. The Livengoods are mindful of waste and like to oversee an efficient process that utilizes resources wisely. To that end, the litter from their chicken houses fertilizes the crop field.
The Livengood family loves growing for Farmer Focus because there is natural light and more room to move around in the chicken houses, so the chickens are happier and more active. Quality feed and chicks result in a quality product, which they say is “very important to us.”
They also try to incorporate recreation into work, by taking in the sunrise before the work day starts, horseback riding, visiting family who live nearby, and even camping in the woods of their own property. As they really love all the different jobs on the farms, and their beautiful patch of Keyser, West Virginia, they really don’t have to go anywhere to find joy.

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