Bradley Heatwole
Tell the world where you got your chicken!
There’s hardly a place in the Alleghenies that’s quite as pretty as Franklin, West Virginia, and that’s especially true of the Heatwole’s farms. Embraced by undulating hills and winding roads sit two chicken houses where Bradley (brother of our own Corwin Heatwole) and Linette tend their flock. Bradley got his start in poultry farming as a part of the family business. Now a father himself, Bradley appreciates how easily poultry farming and raising a family can coexist, something Farmer Focus strives to achieve. The flexible hours and fair pay ensure that Bradley and Linette’s children are able to participate, learning the ins and outs of farming to carry the family farm into future generations. He loves being his own boss and states, “You get what you put into it.” Judging by all the hard work invested into the farm daily, he couldn’t be more right.
Ask A Farmer
How did your farm get its name?
We love Redbud trees.
Describe your favorite time of day on the farm.
Running with my wife.
What generation farmer are you?
“Umpteenth” This means a lot. About 6 generations.
why farmer focus?
We believe in farming the right way, see what the Farmers Focus difference is.
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