Daniel Fansler

Tell the world where you got your chicken!

About the farmer…
Tucked away among the peaceful trees of Dove Hollow Road, nestled in a valley between two wooded ridges, sits Walnut Bottom Farm. The Fansler family holds a long and rich history of farming in Mathias, West Virginia, and they all grow chicken for Farmer Focus. Daniel and Ethan were raised on the Fansler family farm, and as they put it, they “loved it and never looked back.” Once other Fanslers joined up with Farmer Focus, Daniel and Ethan followed suit. We hear there’s a Fansler toddler strutting around Walnut Bottom, so we expect there’ll be another Fansler farm in about 20 years.

why farmer focus?
We believe in farming the right way, see what the Farmers Focus difference is.
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