Dottie Fansler

Tell the world where you got your chicken!

About the farmer…
If you follow the Lost River through Mathias, West Virginia, chances are you’ll find a Fansler-owned farm — at last count, there were eight of them! Dottie, who began raising chickens and cattle in 1988 with her late husband Bernie, now runs the farm with help from her sons Mike and Mark (who own Grandview and Hillcrest Farms, on adjoining properties), her grandson Brett (who owns Brushy Run Farm), and four great grandchildren. A retired social worker, she handles all the farm paperwork and records.
Farmer Focus was the right choice for her family. “When you’ve been raising chickens as long as we have, you don’t need others telling you how to do it. Farmer Focus lets us tend to the chickens the way we know is right.”
Since all the family lives on adjoining properties or a few miles away, they don’t have to go far, or anywhere at all, to spend time together, and they all look forward to big holiday family gatherings.

why farmer focus?
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