A black road snakes its way to the scarlet red chicken houses of the Comer Farm, located in Page County, Virginia. Cows, sheep, and goats graze contentedly, encapsulated by ancient mountain peaks layered against the broad sky. When your farm is your family’s legacy, it means everything. Gary has known this farm his whole life: he was born on it. And when his father passed away, it made sense for him and his wife Debra to carry the farm into the future.
Gary and his son (that’s three generations now) perform the day-to-day operations: the feedings, the equipment maintenance and repair, the multiple walkthroughs, and the preparation and care for each flock harbored in the Comer’s three chicken houses. Calling on the traditions of his dad and those before him, Gary produces healthy, happy birds that lend pride to the family name. Gary likes to restore old tractors and attend antique tractor shows in his free time.
Ask A Farmer
What other animals do you have on the farm?
Cattle and horses.
If you weren't a farmer, what would you be?
Don’t know. all I ever wanted to be was a Farmer.
What has been your proudest moment as a farmer?
Being able to carry on what my father had done.

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