Meet your Farmer

Tell the world where you got your chicken!

Learn about our Traceability

Farmer Focus is proud to provide you Humane, Sustainable, and Traceable chicken. We have over 100 farming partners located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and West Virginia. All of our chicken is raised free range and with no antibiotics ever.
All Farmer Focus products are 100% traceable to the farm where the chicken was raised. Every pack of chicken has a Farm ID that can be used to learn more about your farmer. You can meet your farmer by scanning the QR code found on pack and entering the Farm ID to see photos and read a story about the farmer who raised your chicken.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our farming partners and joining us in our mission to Promote and Protect Generational Family Farms.
Ask A Farmer
What Certifications does Farmer Focus Have?
USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Certified
Humane, Certified Gluten Free, and Halal Certified.
Is Farmer Focus Chicken cage-free/free-range?
All chickens raised for meat are cage-free. However, Farmer Focus chickens are also free-range,
which means they have room to roam both in their barns and outside.
What does “Fair Pay for Farmers” mean?
model incentivizes sustainable farming and ensures that farmers can create
a financially sustainable future for their farms and families. On average, our
farmers report earning between 25-35% more farming with us.
What are the chickens fed?
All of our chickens are fed a vegetarian blend of corn and soybean meal, with outdoor access
to forage bugs and greens as desired. Our organic chickens are fed a diet of USDA Organic,
Non-GMO Project Verified feed

why farmer focus?
We believe in farming the right way, see what the Farmers Focus difference is.
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