It’s Grill Week! We aren’t just bringing you July 4th food ideas. We are bringing you our favorite recipes from the grill. Grab a kebab for the kids, make salads exciting, or capture a few tips on how to break down a whole chicken.
We know that everyone may have a different grill than those found in the recipes you are about to get your hands on, so here are some of our recommendations on grilling different Farmer Focus chicken products. If you feel you would get an A+ on a grilling test, we encourage you to grill your heart out while feeling inspired and trying something new from the flavors in these recipes.
Our pineapple grillers and skewer fans, this recipe from Brooklyn Supper is for you!
With less than 30 minutes of prep the day before, you will be left with an easy task to grill these crowd-pleasers the next day. This is the perfect dish for kids on the go and makes eating fun! Say, “no”, to plating food and leave it all to the skewer.

Tired of boring salads? We are too. Salads should be full of flavor and a meal to look forward to. This grilled Chicken and Peach Salad by Brooklyn Supper is loaded with summer flavors and colors that will make you a proud salad eater. And yes, we grilled peaches! Who knows, maybe you’ll become a foodie influencer from people asking you where you got the inspiration for this salad?!
Do you ever just look at your whole chicken, then at the grill, then look back at the whole chicken, then at the grill one more time and ask yourself, “HOW do I do this?” We got you covered. Brooklyn Supper uses a fan-favorite flavor, garlic, to grill a whole chicken, then she tops it all off with honey butter in this Garlic Grilled Chicken recipe–😍. Regardless of your grill type, following these flavors and seasonings will not leave you disappointed.

Depending on the size and appetites of our household, a whole chicken can provide enough meat for 2-3 meals! It can be hard to think through the best way to cut a whole chicken, and maybe we choose to cut it AFTER we cook it.
In this video, Breaking Down A Whole Chicken, we go over where to start and where to cut, so we can get our whole chickens cut before we grill it.
No matter how you like to grill, we hope you find inspiration to spice up the fourth of July cookouts. For our friends who may celebrate differently, or do not have a grill, grab some FF chicken and check out our other suggestions on how to cook our chicken here!